Take The Step and The Path Will Appear…

By Shannon Strong | United States

Tell us about yourself and how you got into your creative field. What is a project you’re very proud of?

“For years throughout college, I was always the "photographer" around my friends, but all I had to capture photos was an iphone. Then I stepped it up to a gopro, then after that I finally purchased my first DSLR camera. In an effort to learn more about my camera and how to shoot I did a google search looking for photo assistant positions and instead an internship popped up at a photography studio. I quit my job in healthcare and switched over to waitressing so that I could start the internship 3 days a week. Fast forward a year and a half later I'm currently a full time professional photographer at that same company. The goal is to eventually travel the world taking photos, but I am definitely very grateful for where I'm at currently. I still can't believe I get to take photos for a living. Aside from building a photography career with no prior photo background, I'm really proud of starting my own travel podcast because I was always worried what others would think about doing it. I finally put those fears and doubts aside and took the leap and it's been a blast to connect with travelers around the world.”

What inspires you to create?

“Storytelling has always been such a passion for me throughout life and it drives me to create. I believe everyone has a unique story to share with the world - It's the reason I'm drawn to photography, podcasting, writing, etc. I love hearing people's stories and what makes them unique, and I also love seeing the thread of commonalities in people throughout all of the world. We're all very much the same at the root yet complexly different and I find that so fascinating and worth sharing with the world in any way shape or form! You never know who might find their own inspiration from someone else's story and I think it fuels more kindness, connection, and community which are ultimately the biggest driving forces in my life.”

There are many young creatives that have a calling to live the “unconventional lifestyle,” but they have many internal conflicts to take the leap and do what they are most passionate about. What advice would you give someone who is doubting whether or not to follow their creative passions?

“There's a great quote that says "take the step and the path will appear". I remember when I was quitting my job to pursue an unpaid photography internship I had so much anxiety and fear that kept running through my head making me think about every worst case scenario and I kept thinking I would fail. But then I realized okay what if I fail? Ultimately I end up right back where I currently was in life so I knew in my gut I had to try it.

I could have never predicted all that would follow from that moment I decided to take the leap but the path definitely appeared. The first step truly is always the hardest one, but even if you don't feel you are 100% ready - you're ready - take the step and trust your gut! Some of the best experiences of our lives are on the other side of immense fear that tries to keep us safe and in our comfort zones. Additionally, I think we put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect right off the bat when we are starting something new - but everyone has to start somewhere and the only way to grow is to take the first step and start doing it, so leave the doubt behind and take the leap even if it doesn't look as perfect as you might hope at first.”

“But then I realized okay what if I fail? Ultimately I end up right back where I currently was in life so I knew in my gut I had to try it.”

Tell a story about an encounter with someone you met while traveling that had an impact on you.

“Oh gosh I could tell countless stories here of how people have impacted me throughout my travels. I think the connection with others while traveling is one of the greatest gifts of the experience.

To name a few - I spent a couple months in Micronesia and it forced me to slow down a lot compared to the western way of doing life. People were so relaxed there and so easy going. Problems were smaller and they always took the time to help out - popped a tire? a village of people would come out to help change out the spare; not sure which way to hike? the cab drivers would jump out and do the hike with me as a guide for free; we a bag of lobsters dropped on our doorstep as a welcome gift; or my supervisor gave me his car to use while I was there. I've never experienced more unconditional kindness in my life than when I was on the small island of Pohnpei for two months. The people of Pohnpei inspired me to slow down when needed and to always make an extra effort to help someone else and take the time - what's the rush?

Additionally, on my first solo backpacking trip I met a lot of incredible people, but there were two people in particular throughout my time traveling that I felt I had an instantaneous friendship with. This instant connection led me to travel for 5 days with one of them and a week with the other because they were so easy to be around. Both impacted me in different ways but I take the reminder with me from that time that there are people we have yet to meet throughout the world that friendship will flow easy with and they will bring so much joy, new perspective, and inspiration to your life, and I think that's really beautiful.

Lastly, I have to mention my beautiful Chilean host family. I studied abroad in Chile for about 5 months and my host family adopted me as one of their own. Mama Vero and Americo were also one of the healthiest loves I have ever witnessed in my life. Growing up without a strong example of a marriage in my own life, my Chilean host parents showed the utmost kindness and respect towards each other and would lovingly dance in their tiny kitchen often. They forever changed how I view a partnership in life. And, they still call me every year on my birthday to sing "feliz cumpleanos a ti".”

“Both impacted me in different ways but I take the reminder with me from that time that there are people we have yet to meet throughout the world that friendship will flow easy with and they will bring so much joy, new perspective, and inspiration to your life, and I think that's really beautiful.”


The biggest risk of all is risking nothing at all.


"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading." - Lao Tzu