"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading." - Lao Tzu

Elisabeth Hougaard

Tell us about yourself and how you got into your creative field. What would you say is your niche? When did you realize you were passionate about photography/design/film-making?

I was always creative but I didn’t know what to do with it. I like to paint but I didn’t want to be an artist – it sounded tough and lonely. 

After high school, I went to study at Arts University Bournemouth in England where I discovered this thing called design - the perfect combination of creativity and strategy and psychology. This got me into a design school in Denmark and later a master’s in communication design in Australia. During my years of studying, I travelled a lot, as this was my source of inspiration: cultures, nature, stories. 

My journey with photography came with my many travels. It was during a trip to Australia I met another photographer, who was a so-called ‘travelling content creator’. This opened my eyes to travelling while being creative, and I found a community who loved doing the same. 

Last year, I started my own design studio where I specialize in branding and web design for businesses within sustainability, health, and wellness. This is my way of getting involved and helping others who want to do something good for our planet and communities. This is also where I get to collaborate with many of the great creatives I’ve met on my journeys so far.

Next year, I will start business coaching for creatives and small businesses to help them get started on their dream lives as well. 

Is there something that inspires you the most to create?


One of the reasons why I travel, and why I have a great love of photography is because of the stories you hear and the connections you create. This really helps you open your mind.

I think that we sometimes get stuck in the bubble we live in. Our hometown, our jobs, our friends. We forget that life can be different. Whether it’s our own life that we want to change or if it’s about helping others to change theirs. 

Traveling also makes me extremely grateful and appreciative of the life we have. Like, how lucky are we? To be born at this time? To have the things we have? Especially as a Danish person, I realize how privileged I am – and I am inspired to do more and not take it for granted.

What obstacles have you faced in the creative world thus far and how have you overcome them?

I’ve definitely struggled with comparing myself to others. Thinking that I was not good enough at my craft or that I didn’t have a unique style. 

What helped was to change my perspective – instead of thinking of competition, I now think of it as potential for collaboration and inspiration By collaborating, you can create something that’s even better than if you’re trying to just do it yourself. 

As for finding your style and overcoming not feeling good enough - this will come with experimenting with different things. Over the years you realize what you like and dislike, what takes your energy and what gives you energy. And then accepting that. It really comes from the idea that you can ‘change what you can change, and accept what you cannot’. 

At the end of the day, clients will hire you for YOU. Being yourself (as cliché as it may sound) and knowing that is good enough, is the foundation of self-confidence. 

What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned from traveling?

If you are kind, people will be kind to you.

I have met the most amazing people during my travels. Strangers who opened their homes for me, when I didn’t have a place to stay. People who invited me for dinners and shared their stories with me.

It doesn’t cost you anything to be nice to others.

What is the biggest piece of advice you would give to your younger self, or a young person wanting to follow their creative passions?

Go for it. 

It’s very simple. 

Starting something new can be very overwhelming. It can be scary and make you anxious. My best advice is to write down your dreams –  maybe even visualize them. And then ask yourself:

“What is ONE thing that I can do today to get me towards my dream?”

If your dream is to become a photographer, then maybe it’s to visit your local shop and just look at the cameras. Maybe it’s buying your first camera and shooting in your backyard. Maybe it’s to join a photography course and make friends that like to take photos as well. 

Finding communities of like-minded people is a great way to get started.  I highly recommend Creator Circuit, a community of travellers and content creators, where I met some of my best friends to this day. 

Just one step at a time. 

What is one quote you live by?

"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading." 

— Lao Tzu





Take The Step and The Path Will Appear…


We have no time for being a benchwarmer around here